Friday, October 17, 2008

Some pics and 3 new additions.. Again T_T...

Gave them kiwi and jackfruit.. but they only nibbled afew seconds and left the fruits alone.. next day flies came.. so threw all away..

Here's one of the 3 new hermits..

Here's another hermit that I bought.. I loved the black and white limbs it has.. Did not take a pic of the other hermit as it changed shell the moment I put it into the tank.. and was lazy to retake.. and the first pic was blur -_-;; haha.

Here's what happened when I put too many hermit on tray level 2.. They started climbing all over each other.. :)

Sigh.. Total Number of Hermits as of TODAY!!! = 14..
Went to the shop wanting to just get some shells.. but everytime ended up getting more hermits.. T_T.. HAHHAHA..

Oh well.. Hope they enjoys each others company lol
cya all

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