1st day was busy with preparing for FYP presentation, preparation of script and memorizing and such.
Crabs were mostly hidden.. Must be my nervousness that got to them >.<..
2nd day left early in morning, and returned late at night after presentation, celebrating friend's birthday, as well as watching F1 on a bridge with offers 1 sec view per car -_-.. got home too tired to blog hehe..
And here we are today.. went to the singapore motorshow.. followed by hunting for a nice spot to watch F1 Night race. :) not gonna say more here.. more updates on my other blog soon hehe..
This morning before I went to the Singapore Motorshow, I saw my crabs 5 out of 7 were unburied and facing each other with a small space between them, as if they were having a secret conference :p. But by the time I went to get my handphone to take a pic.. they had scattered slightly..
Gave them some flowers last night too. But by this morning, the flowers were tossed around the place and it even made their drinking water yellow, but my largest hermit seemed to enjoy plucking tiny bits of petals to eat. So I'll prob give them flowers once in awhile to munch lol.
Update for Molting Hermit Day.. erm.. 9?
Still no change. At least the musky smell is not strong.. sigh hope he'll be out soon..
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