Monday, September 29, 2008
Sad to say...
I suspect Molting crab did not make it. There was a strong seafood smell from the crab today... It even made the sand stink. sigh Gave it a salt water bath and gonna leave it for 2 more days and hope for the best.. if not and the smell increases... guess it's really good bye T_T..
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Apologies for the lack of updates
Again, Apologies for the last 2 days for lack of updates :p..
1st day was busy with preparing for FYP presentation, preparation of script and memorizing and such.
Crabs were mostly hidden.. Must be my nervousness that got to them >.<..
Hermit Hiding Among The Shells
2nd day left early in morning, and returned late at night after presentation, celebrating friend's birthday, as well as watching F1 on a bridge with offers 1 sec view per car -_-.. got home too tired to blog hehe..
And here we are today.. went to the singapore motorshow.. followed by hunting for a nice spot to watch F1 Night race. :) not gonna say more here.. more updates on my other blog soon hehe..
This morning before I went to the Singapore Motorshow, I saw my crabs 5 out of 7 were unburied and facing each other with a small space between them, as if they were having a secret conference :p. But by the time I went to get my handphone to take a pic.. they had scattered slightly..
Scattered Crabs with Large one Eating Petal..
Gave them some flowers last night too. But by this morning, the flowers were tossed around the place and it even made their drinking water yellow, but my largest hermit seemed to enjoy plucking tiny bits of petals to eat. So I'll prob give them flowers once in awhile to munch lol.
Update for Molting Hermit Day.. erm.. 9?
Still no change. At least the musky smell is not strong.. sigh hope he'll be out soon..
1st day was busy with preparing for FYP presentation, preparation of script and memorizing and such.
Crabs were mostly hidden.. Must be my nervousness that got to them >.<..
2nd day left early in morning, and returned late at night after presentation, celebrating friend's birthday, as well as watching F1 on a bridge with offers 1 sec view per car -_-.. got home too tired to blog hehe..
And here we are today.. went to the singapore motorshow.. followed by hunting for a nice spot to watch F1 Night race. :) not gonna say more here.. more updates on my other blog soon hehe..
This morning before I went to the Singapore Motorshow, I saw my crabs 5 out of 7 were unburied and facing each other with a small space between them, as if they were having a secret conference :p. But by the time I went to get my handphone to take a pic.. they had scattered slightly..
Gave them some flowers last night too. But by this morning, the flowers were tossed around the place and it even made their drinking water yellow, but my largest hermit seemed to enjoy plucking tiny bits of petals to eat. So I'll prob give them flowers once in awhile to munch lol.
Update for Molting Hermit Day.. erm.. 9?
Still no change. At least the musky smell is not strong.. sigh hope he'll be out soon..
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Hmm worried about my hermit.
hmm my lvl 2 tray collapsed today -_-.. adhesive not strong enuff I suppose..
Update on molting hermit Day 6:
Very worried about the hermit. It has a slight smell, hope its due to the tank being too humid and not the "Smell of Death" that I read so often online.. >.<
I could not resist and lifted him up for a sniff.. he has a slight fish smell.. but its not strong smelly smell as mentioned online.. so I hope it's all right and all will turn out right >.<.
Wonder what else I can do... sigh.
Update on molting hermit Day 6:
Very worried about the hermit. It has a slight smell, hope its due to the tank being too humid and not the "Smell of Death" that I read so often online.. >.<
I could not resist and lifted him up for a sniff.. he has a slight fish smell.. but its not strong smelly smell as mentioned online.. so I hope it's all right and all will turn out right >.<.
Wonder what else I can do... sigh.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hermits Update for today :)
Hmm where shall I start..
Temperature was ok when I got home earlier(which was rather late), but the hygrometer mentioned my % of humidity was abit low -_- 70%.. so I misted the tank.
1 active.. 2 unhidden.. 4 hidden and 1 molting.
Update on Molting Hermit Day 5.
Still no movement or change :-(
Temperature was ok when I got home earlier(which was rather late), but the hygrometer mentioned my % of humidity was abit low -_- 70%.. so I misted the tank.
1 active.. 2 unhidden.. 4 hidden and 1 molting.
Update on Molting Hermit Day 5.
Still no movement or change :-(
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Day :)
Temperature is between 29 and 30 degrees, humidity is 80, Crabs are all actively running around :) Only thing is they totally ignored my strawberry which I threw away this morning..
Status of crabs 3 Active, 4 Hidden, 1 Molting. :(
Day 4 of molting crab update.
Still no change from yesterday. Hope it's all right.
Status of crabs 3 Active, 4 Hidden, 1 Molting. :(
Day 4 of molting crab update.
Still no change from yesterday. Hope it's all right.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Just got another hermie today.
Went to the petshop to get peat moss when,
I saw this cute little fella. :)

Could not resist so bought him..
Bringing my total number of hermits to 7.5.
*Feisty little fella.. Barely even 3 minutes I placed him into the tank he pulled my other tiny hermit out of its hiding place. I separated them each to a corner of the tank and they seem more content now :)
**Bought strawberries and gave them a tiny portion. Hope they enjoy..
***Did some rough calculation on the total cost I spent on hermits, sand, and the upgrades to the crabitat and I was stunned when I realized.. I spent approximately 272 dollars.. Perhaps even more during this 3+ Months. Guess I gonna have to spend the next few weeks on sandwiches >.<;; sigh. Oh well weight management I suppose :)
****I mentioned I wanted to name the hermits, I thought of the names, but not decided which goes to which hermits yet :) hehe. And they are.. Ah Guo, Ah Gui, Ah Teo, Ah Liang, Ah Lim, Ah Ros, Ah Sin and Ah Chen. (More if I Get more hermits in the months to come :))
Update On Molting Hermit Day 4.
Still looks the same without any change.. Sigh.
I saw this cute little fella. :)
Could not resist so bought him..
Bringing my total number of hermits to 7.5.
*Feisty little fella.. Barely even 3 minutes I placed him into the tank he pulled my other tiny hermit out of its hiding place. I separated them each to a corner of the tank and they seem more content now :)
**Bought strawberries and gave them a tiny portion. Hope they enjoy..
***Did some rough calculation on the total cost I spent on hermits, sand, and the upgrades to the crabitat and I was stunned when I realized.. I spent approximately 272 dollars.. Perhaps even more during this 3+ Months. Guess I gonna have to spend the next few weeks on sandwiches >.<;; sigh. Oh well weight management I suppose :)
****I mentioned I wanted to name the hermits, I thought of the names, but not decided which goes to which hermits yet :) hehe. And they are.. Ah Guo, Ah Gui, Ah Teo, Ah Liang, Ah Lim, Ah Ros, Ah Sin and Ah Chen. (More if I Get more hermits in the months to come :))
Update On Molting Hermit Day 4.
Still looks the same without any change.. Sigh.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Of the 4 that were feasting, only this hermit remained to let me take this video :)
I only realised the brown shelled hermit was gonna molt after I recorded this video :)
The Great Crabidini >.<
(Ps. Thats not its name yet :P)
(Ps. Thats not its name yet :P)
Hermit Sulking After It Got Caught..HA
I rearranged the tank so it's harder to escape. (I Hope!).
Rearranged Tank As Of Today.
Anyways, It's Day 3 of my Molting Hermit, bought small saucers but still too big.. so I used 1 saucer and 2 spoons.
Molting Crab Day 3.
Watch Out For More :)
My Crabitat After Many Upgrades.
It's abit small though, so I'm gonna get a larger one once I have the funds to do so :)
Anywayz, this tank contains the following items from Top Down:
- Lamp (Cheap lamp, Gonna get the dayglo lamp one day)
- Cooler (Air-Conditioner for the crabs, as Singapore Temperature does go above what I read was optimal for the hermits (approx72-80 F (22-27 degree celcius). I only turn it on when the thermometer says its too hot. e.g 30 degree celcius).
- Saran Wrap (Keeps Humidity In)
- Hygrometer & Thermometer (2nd upgrade. 1st one was a seperate thermometer and hygrometer, which took up space, and the thermometer kept dropping. Currently upgraded 2 in 1, which is hung instead of using sucker cups. This item allows me to keep track of the hermit's environment).
- Tray Full of Shells (Just installed that tray today, As ground level was out of space, got the idea from another website. Just can't remember which.. sorry).
- 2 Branches ( 1 to laze around on, or under.. The other acts as a ramp Onto The Tray.)
- Fake Plant (My hermits either climb, or hide behind it).
- Ceramic Bridge (Popular when added, now mostly ignored by hermits once the first branch was added).
- Glow in the dark pebbles (Wanted to add some nice glow to the tank. It was only after adding them, that I realised... They won't glow.. Due to my sis's tank lights being turned on 24/7. DOH!!).
- 4 In 1 sauce tray (3rd upgrade. Started from caps, to sauce bowls, to this. The 4 sections nicely allows me to separate a dechlorinated water, salt water, hermit feed, and treats (or Calci-sand for them to eat).
- Sand (Generally I try to get as fine a sand as possible, gonna change to the coloured sand the hermit store currently uses soon and see how things go ) ;-p
- Glass Tank ( 2nd upgrade. Started from a small plastic tank. Upgraded it when I had my 2nd and 3rd hermit added.)
- Many fun and interesting moments. (Gonna share some soon lol)
- Destress and even relaxing times.
- A hole in my pocket.
- Worry that something might go wrong.
- And Finally, Tons of poop to clear :)
My 6.5 Hermits :)
This Blog Is Basically Just To Share About
How My 6.5 Hermit Crabs Are Doing.
I'll Also Be Posting Several Videos I Took
During The 3 Months Plus Period I Had Them.
They're Great Fun To Have Around :).
Long Description Of My 3Mths Rearing Hermits.
Well It Started I Was Feeling Down So Tried Rearing Fishes,
Sad To Say Out Of The 4 Fishes I Started With,
2 Turned White And Died, And I Passed The Other 2 Fishes
Onto My Sister Who Had A More Successful Tank Than I Did.
Gotten A White Crab, Which Mysteriously Died With Its Legs
And Claws Opened Wide During The Night. Found Him Floating
Upside Down Like A Boat.
Had A Tiny Black Crab Too.. But Something Went Wrong.. It
Lost All Its Limbs And Died. Probably From Stress As It Did
Not Move From Day 1.
Went With My Sis To Qian Hu Fish Farm To Look At Fishes
And Get Some Stuff, When I Saw And Bought My First
Hermit Crab (To Tell The Truth, I Knew Nuts About Them).
Lol Also It Costs Double What What My Later Hermits Costed,
Though To Be Fair, It's Also The Largest I Have.
I Chose It For Its Nice Silvery Shell It Had.
-_-.. Though.. The Silvery Shell Did Not Last Long..
The Reason Being... The Fella There Was Nice Enough To
Give Me A Spare Shell When I Asked Where To Get Some,
And While It Was Waiting For Me To Get Stuff It Needed,
It Changed Shell In The Plastic Bag Which It Was Packed In..
Still.. The New White Shell Looked Great Too.
This Hermit Distracted Me From Unhappy Thoughts And Provided Me,
With Fun As It Plays Hide And Seek, Moving Only When I look Away
And Hides Immediately When I Look Back.
Soon, I Bought A Larger Tank For The Hermit And
Spent A Bundle Hunting For Sand Around Singapore.
At First I Used Calci Sand, Till I Decided It Was
Burning A Hole In My Pocket As My Hermits Needed A
Rather Deep Layer. Read Online And Found Play Sand
Could Be Used Too. Hunted Around Singapore For Some,
Till I Found I Could Get Cheap Sand From Pasir Ris
Farmway. Read Alot Of Websites On How To Maintain
A Hermit Crab Too. While Hunting For Sand, I found
A Place Which, Sells Tiny Hermit Crabs Once In Awhile
At The Farmway. I Bought 2 On The Spot. Sad To Say 1
decided to go Nude Without Its Shell Frequently and
Subsequently Died Not Long After. The Other's Still
Surviving Nicely And Even Changed To A Larger Shell
Not Long After.
The Next 2 Came Along When I Heard or Read Somewhere
that Clementi Had a 24 Hour Shop. Went There Late At
Night, Though That Shop Did Not Have Hermit, They Had
Quite Afew Supplies Which I Kept Going To Get From Them.
The Shop Beside It However Had Hermits, I Bought 2..
Though I Gotta Admit. The Enclosure The Hermits Were Kept
In Did Not Look Well Maintained. Still, I'm Happy With
These 2 Additions.
The Last 2 Crabs I Have, Came Only A Week Ago, When
The Above Mentioned 24 Hour Shop Mentioned That
Serangoon North Ave 1 or 2 Sold Hermit Crabs. I
Went There And Found Hermits Which Looked Very Healthy
And Nice, The Staff There Were Very Friendly Too.
Think The Shop Name is Called PetMart.
The Crabs Were Very Active and I bought 2 Straight Away
And Got 2 More Afew Days After. Which Ends With My Current
Total Of 7 Hermits.
Now, You Might Be Wondering, Why Did I State That
I have 6.5 Crabs Instead Of 7?
Lol Its Because One Of My Crab Has Started To Molt,
And Its Causing Me Some Worry, As It's Doing A Surface
Molt, Meaning Molting Without Being Buried. Heard It
Reduces Their Chance Of Survival. I Sperated It
From The Other Hermits And Hoping Its All Right.
Prob Gonna Take 1-2 Months Before I'll State I
Have 7 Again :).
These Crabs Have Provided Me With Tons Of Entertainment,
And I Try To Give Them Whatever I Can Think Of,
And Hope It's Enough.
Gonna Add A Chatter Box Soon So We Can All Chat :)
Also Gonna Post What My Tank Looks Like Now,
After Many Upgrading Of Stuff. :)
P.S. Pardon The Poor Phrasing And Long Verbal Vomiting,
As Its Currently Almost 2 Am And My Brain's Half Asleep..
Think This Is The Last Time I'll Use Capital Letters Before
Each Word :) So.. Rejoice :)
How My 6.5 Hermit Crabs Are Doing.
I'll Also Be Posting Several Videos I Took
During The 3 Months Plus Period I Had Them.
They're Great Fun To Have Around :).
Long Description Of My 3Mths Rearing Hermits.
Well It Started I Was Feeling Down So Tried Rearing Fishes,
Sad To Say Out Of The 4 Fishes I Started With,
2 Turned White And Died, And I Passed The Other 2 Fishes
Onto My Sister Who Had A More Successful Tank Than I Did.
Gotten A White Crab, Which Mysteriously Died With Its Legs
And Claws Opened Wide During The Night. Found Him Floating
Upside Down Like A Boat.
Had A Tiny Black Crab Too.. But Something Went Wrong.. It
Lost All Its Limbs And Died. Probably From Stress As It Did
Not Move From Day 1.
Went With My Sis To Qian Hu Fish Farm To Look At Fishes
And Get Some Stuff, When I Saw And Bought My First
Hermit Crab (To Tell The Truth, I Knew Nuts About Them).
Lol Also It Costs Double What What My Later Hermits Costed,
Though To Be Fair, It's Also The Largest I Have.
I Chose It For Its Nice Silvery Shell It Had.
-_-.. Though.. The Silvery Shell Did Not Last Long..
The Reason Being... The Fella There Was Nice Enough To
Give Me A Spare Shell When I Asked Where To Get Some,
And While It Was Waiting For Me To Get Stuff It Needed,
It Changed Shell In The Plastic Bag Which It Was Packed In..
Still.. The New White Shell Looked Great Too.
This Hermit Distracted Me From Unhappy Thoughts And Provided Me,
With Fun As It Plays Hide And Seek, Moving Only When I look Away
And Hides Immediately When I Look Back.
Soon, I Bought A Larger Tank For The Hermit And
Spent A Bundle Hunting For Sand Around Singapore.
At First I Used Calci Sand, Till I Decided It Was
Burning A Hole In My Pocket As My Hermits Needed A
Rather Deep Layer. Read Online And Found Play Sand
Could Be Used Too. Hunted Around Singapore For Some,
Till I Found I Could Get Cheap Sand From Pasir Ris
Farmway. Read Alot Of Websites On How To Maintain
A Hermit Crab Too. While Hunting For Sand, I found
A Place Which, Sells Tiny Hermit Crabs Once In Awhile
At The Farmway. I Bought 2 On The Spot. Sad To Say 1
decided to go Nude Without Its Shell Frequently and
Subsequently Died Not Long After. The Other's Still
Surviving Nicely And Even Changed To A Larger Shell
Not Long After.
The Next 2 Came Along When I Heard or Read Somewhere
that Clementi Had a 24 Hour Shop. Went There Late At
Night, Though That Shop Did Not Have Hermit, They Had
Quite Afew Supplies Which I Kept Going To Get From Them.
The Shop Beside It However Had Hermits, I Bought 2..
Though I Gotta Admit. The Enclosure The Hermits Were Kept
In Did Not Look Well Maintained. Still, I'm Happy With
These 2 Additions.
The Last 2 Crabs I Have, Came Only A Week Ago, When
The Above Mentioned 24 Hour Shop Mentioned That
Serangoon North Ave 1 or 2 Sold Hermit Crabs. I
Went There And Found Hermits Which Looked Very Healthy
And Nice, The Staff There Were Very Friendly Too.
Think The Shop Name is Called PetMart.
The Crabs Were Very Active and I bought 2 Straight Away
And Got 2 More Afew Days After. Which Ends With My Current
Total Of 7 Hermits.
Now, You Might Be Wondering, Why Did I State That
I have 6.5 Crabs Instead Of 7?
Lol Its Because One Of My Crab Has Started To Molt,
And Its Causing Me Some Worry, As It's Doing A Surface
Molt, Meaning Molting Without Being Buried. Heard It
Reduces Their Chance Of Survival. I Sperated It
From The Other Hermits And Hoping Its All Right.
Prob Gonna Take 1-2 Months Before I'll State I
Have 7 Again :).
These Crabs Have Provided Me With Tons Of Entertainment,
And I Try To Give Them Whatever I Can Think Of,
And Hope It's Enough.
Gonna Add A Chatter Box Soon So We Can All Chat :)
Also Gonna Post What My Tank Looks Like Now,
After Many Upgrading Of Stuff. :)
P.S. Pardon The Poor Phrasing And Long Verbal Vomiting,
As Its Currently Almost 2 Am And My Brain's Half Asleep..
Think This Is The Last Time I'll Use Capital Letters Before
Each Word :) So.. Rejoice :)
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